NIPGL Cups 2021
NIPGL Senior Cup 2021
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NIPGL Junior Cup 2021
NIPGL Midweek Cup 2021
Website - Northern Ireland Private Greens League
Forum - NIPGL Bowling Forum
The format this season will be for 12 player teams - namely 4 x 3 bowl triples playing 18 ends.
Thereafter the normal League Cup Rules will apply as in previous seasons.
There will be no requirement to return scorecards to the League Secretary but notification of the winning team after each match is a must.
NIPGL Rules for all Cup Competitions
General Competition Rules
1. All competitions shall be played under the code of Laws of the Game as formulated by the World Bowls Board, with amendments approved by the Irish Bowling Association for use in domestic competitions.
2. All competitions shall be confined to the members of Clubs comprising the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League. A player can only represent one Club in the Leagues, Challenge Cups and Championships in any one year.
3. A player who takes part in any competitive match or tie in any other league affiliated to the Irish Bowling Association shall not be eligible to play during the season in competitive matches or ties under the jurisdiction of the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League. It shall not be permissible for a club or any member of a club to enter or take part in a competitive match or tie in Ireland promoted by a league or association of clubs not affiliated to the Irish Bowling Association except with the approval of the General Purposes Committee.
4. In all games or ties in the League Championships, the Senior and Junior Challenge Cups and the semi-finals and finals of Championships, competing players must wear white or cream trousers, white belt (if worn) and white socks. Players on teams or sides may wear white or club coloured shirts (with collar) with sponsor’s logo, providing such colour/designs and sponsor’s logo have been approved by the General Purposes Committee. All players must wear a shirt of the same colour of design. Pullovers, cardigans, jackets, rainwear and headgear, if worn, must be white or cream or of the same colour and design as approved shirts. Regulation bowling shoes must be worn for all matches. For Midweek League matches, Midweek Cup Matches and earlier rounds of Championships, substitute grey trousers for white or cream trousers.
5. Bowls discs must be used in all competitions. Where discs in club colours are not being used, red discs must be used by the home team and blue discs by the away team. The discs to be used in semi-finals and finals shall be decided by the Honorary Competitions Secretary or the Honorary League Secretary.
6. Match and ties shall commence not later than the following times: (a) Saturdays: 2pm or in the case of a second match on the same green, 6pm. (b) Evenings: 6.30pm Semi-finals and finals may be arranged by the General Purposes Committee for an earlier time. These times must be adhered to within a limit of 15 minutes otherwise the match or tie may be claimed by the side or competitors ready to commence play.
7. When a match or tie is to be played, the rinks to be played on shall be drawn at the green by the visiting player or their representatives.
8. Umpires – if considered necessary, qualified umpires/markers may be appointed by the General Purposes Committee for matches or ties. It shall be their duty to settle disputes that may arise between the competitors, and in the case of inclement weather, to decide in consultation with the green keeper or club official whether the green, at the time, is in a condition to play, their decisions to be final.
9. Protests shall be made in writing to the Honorary General Secretary and shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules of the relevant competition.
10. All competitions under the direct control of the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League shall be played on flat outdoor greens. The General Purposes Committee may arrange for floodlights to be used during semi-finals and finals.
Senior Challenge Cup
1. The competition shall be called The Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Senior Challenge Cup.
2. The competition shall be open annually to teams in Divisions 1-3 of the League Championships.
3. Players who have been nominated on panels for teams that play in Divisions 1-3 of the League Championships are restricted to playing in the Senior Challenge Cup. A player may only play for one team in the Senior Challenge Cup.
4. The draw for each round of the Competition and also for Green shall be by ballot. The Semi-final and Final matches shall be played on neutral greens.
5. Each Club shall play 4 fours and each game shall be 21 ends. In the event of a tie an extra end on each rink shall be played, and should the result again be a tie, an extra end on each rink shall be played and so on until a decision has been obtained.
6. If within a period of 15 minutes from the time fixed for the game, a player is absent from one or more teams the game shall proceed but, (a) in the defaulting team, the number of bowls shall be made up by the lead and second players playing three bowls each, and (b) one fourth of the total shots scored by each team comprising three players shall be deducted from their score at the conclusion of the game. Fractions shall be taken into account.
7. Protests and appeals must be received, in writing, by the Honorary General Secretary within 3 working days of the cause of the protest. These shall be dealt with by the General Purposes Committee whose decision shall be final.
8. The winners shall receive 18 badges. Additional badges not exceeding 6 may be purchased for competitors from the Honorary Treasurer.
Junior Challenge Cup
1. The competition shall be called The Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Junior Challenge Cup.
2. The competition shall be open annually to teams in Divisions 4-5 of the League Championships. Players who have been nominated on panels for teams that play in Divisions 1-3 of the League Championships are ineligible to play in the Junior Cup. A player may only play for one team in the Junior Challenge Cup.
3. A player who has played in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Senior Cup shall be ineligible to play in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Junior Cup in the same season.
4. Rules 4-8 governing the Senior Challenge Cup shall apply to this competition.
Midweek Challenge Cup
1. The competition shall be called The Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Midweek Challenge Cup.
2. The competition shall be open annually to teams in Divisions 1 and 2 of the Midweek League. A player may only play for one team in the Midweek Challenge Cup.
3. A player who has played in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Senior Cup shall be ineligible to play in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Mid-Week Cup in the same season. Up to a maximum of 8 players who are eligible to play in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Junior Challenge Cup may also play in the Midweek Challenge Cup. For the purpose of this rule, if a club has only one team in the League Championships and that team plays in Divisions 1-3, the club may enter a team in the Northern Ireland Private Greens Bowling League Midweek Challenge Cup and use up to a maximum of 8 players who play in the League Championships. A player who has been named on a panel (starred player) as required under League Championships is not permitted to play in the Midweek Challenge Cup.
4. Rules 4-8 governing the Senior Challenge Cup shall apply to this competition.